Saturday 4 July 2020

Exercises for lower back pain

One of the key areas i massage and a lot of people have issues with, is the lower back.  Massage can help relieve the tightness in the back and free up over used muscles, but it's through exercising that muscles become strengthened and more stable.  Massage can help to relieve the tightness that comes from strengthening the muscles and help to maintain good lower back strength.

I found this great site with helpful exercises for lower back pain.  All are exercises that we would recommend in Pilates for treating lower back pain.  Importantly they focus on the core muscle groups of the stomach/core muscles, importance of strengthening hamstrings and glutes as these play an important part in your lower back health.  We can strengthen the core but if our glutes are weak then we're going to struggle.  It's important to think of our body as a whole system and an issue in one area will have a knock on effect on the other.

I urge you to check out the website, it's beneficial to all regardless of whether you do or don't have a lower back issue.

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