Wednesday 28 December 2022

End of Year Updates.....

 As the year draws to a close (how is that even possible!) we remind you of some of the new developments that have occurred this year and let you know about the new things planned for 2023.

Sound meditation new evening session
As many of you will know by now, the late part of 2022 saw the reintroduction of our regular morning sound meditation held every two weeks on a Tuesday morning.  It's been wonderful to see this group grow and introduce new people to the benefits of sound meditation.

A lot of you have been asking for an evening session and so we will begin with a monthly sound meditation session, one Saturday evening each month.  This will be a 60 minute session, ideal for beginners who may find the 90 minute sound and guided meditation session a little daunting. 

These are the up coming dates and you can follow us on instagram to learn about future sessions for both the morning and evening sessions.

Tuesday 10th January - 9am, 90 minute sound and guided meditation session
Saturday 21st January - 6pm, 60 minute sound meditation session
Tuesday 24th January - 9am, 
90 minute sound and guided meditation session
Tuesday 7th February - 9am, 
90 minute sound and guided meditation session
Saturday 18th February 
- 6pm, 60 minute sound meditation session

Why not come and experience a therapeutic and soulful journey for yourself!

2 hour massages
I was getting more and more requests from people for 2 hour sessions and so this will be added to the website soon and is now available as a treatment option.

There are 2 hour Swedish therapeutic massage therapy, 2 hour deep tissue therapy or a 90 minute deep tissue therapy with a 30 minute face and head massage.  

Major renovation works at the studio
With business continuing to expand and the studio space being able to be used to its greater potential now that people are feeling more comfortable returning to larger/group settings, it has been a plan for some time to get the studio renovated and given a fresh lease of life.

Many of you may have noticed whilst attending your sessions, the gradual changes that have been happening at the studio and they are continuing to happen!  Over the Christmas period whilst the studio was closed for two days, the painters have been in stripping the plaster and redoing the walls. 

We are part way there and over the next three weeks the studio will continue to have some renovation works carried out inline with some of the newer elements planned for the studio. It will not clash or impact on your therapy sessions, rest assured. We will be placing glass mirrors on one wall and creating our exercise rehab space to be able to provide you with an opportunity to learn key exercises to build up the core muscles, working on strengthening weak or affected muscles, reduce pain and increase mobility.

Rehab exercises at the end of sessions
Many people ask for exercises to help relieve their muscular aches and pains but don't feel comfortable or confident carrying out the exercises given and so we're in the process of launching this element from 5th January.  It will be possible to add on an additional 15 - 30 minutes exercise session 
at the end of your therapy treatment in the studio.

The 15 minute session will focus on going through and showing you key exercises that focus upon your problem areas, ensuring you know how to do these exercises so you can go away and do them at home in between the session.  Follow up sessions will allow us to check you're doing them correctly, make any adjustments, add on new exercises and support you to keep up the exercises, providing that additional motivation.

The 30 minute session is an opportunity to be shown how to do key exercises both for your problem areas and a chance to see how exercise can be fun, something we can add in on a regular basis and a way of keeping you in best possible shape.  It's an ideal session for those who struggle to do exercise and need a little motivation.  Great for beginners to find ways to exercise that they can fit into their everyday life and those why may need a little push. Movement is medicine!

Exercise doesn't have to be difficult or confusing and with these exercises we can show you how to get the best out of it and provide a space within which to comfortably and with supervision, carry out the exercises.  Strength and mobility exercise is that missing link between massage/hands on therapy and resolving those problem areas.

These simple rehab/beginner exercise sessions will be conducted by myself at the end of the session. The 30 minute session can be booked in as a stand alone treatment too.

We are currently setting up the rehab spaces with a variety of equipment and machines and look forward to sharing the pics with you soon.

More details to follow.  Let's make exercise fun! 

Indi-ssentials gift sets

In our renovation process we have updated our shop space for the Indi-ssentials range.  We have many products available these days from body oils to hair oils, lip balms, scrubs, oil burner oils, room sprays and candles!  Plenty of items to choose from, not forgetting our extensive balm range which caters for a variety of issues including our muscle ease balms, congestion/cold relief balm, to our calm and stress free balm.  

We've also introduced our gift sets!  Launched just before Christmas, these make a great present for someone's birthday or simply to treat a friend or loved one.

There's several options to choose from, such as our Pamper Me, Restore, Muscle Ease, Relaxation and Revitalising sets.  As always on our Indi-ssentials range, we have a special price just for JRT customers.  Happy to share a pdf both of the Indi-ssentials range and our new gift sets.  Additionally you can check out the products in our store space at your next appointment.

New addition to the team

The biggest and exciting piece of news is the introduction of Mahela, physiotherapist, manual therapist and personal trainer.  Originally from Italy, she will be working 3 morning a week from the studio here in C scheme.  She has years of experience, a deep understanding of the body and the mindset to help you get your body more balanced and address aches and pains in ways different to other physiotherapists.   You can organise an appointment direct with her.  Appointments will need to be scheduled in advance.  I have a feeling she will be in high demand and it's wonderful to have her skills and expertise available.  She is a great addition, especially as massage and physiotherapy go hand in hand.

In the next few weeks I'll share another post on how our new projects are unfolding.

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