Sunday 20 August 2023

August updates! - UK trip pending

I hope everyone has had a good month.  I know a lot of travel has been happening and people enjoying the monsoon weather. I'm updating you all with this month's news.

Remedial Therapy aspect closed from 31st August until 9th Oct
It's come round quick, but once again I'm heading to the UK for my second annual work trip and visa renewal.  Shivangi's Back to Strength Classes will continue and Mahela is available offering physiotherapy sessions but the remedial massage therapy aspect will be closed from 31st August till 9th October.

I'll be gone 5 and a half weeks.  It's a shorter trip than normal and am sure the time will pass quick and I will be back with you all once again.  There's ten days left to get your sessions booked in and sorted before I leave, so we have some time yet.  You're still welcome to contact me whilst I am away regarding any aches, pains or issues and I'll advise where I can.

Great Results from Dry Needling

It's been brilliant to see many of you booking in for a session combining massage and dry needling together and most importantly, the benefits we are seeing from this.  Dry needling has been a great addition to the therapy tool kit and I think those of you who have tried it have been pleased with the results.  It's very effective for those who have chronic or acute aches and pains in the shoulders, neck, glutes and legs and is another way of getting into the tigthness and restrictions within the muscles in addition to the deep tissue massage.  Dry needling can be incoporated into a 90 minute or 2 hour therapy session.

Class Schedule
Our last group sound meditation class will be this coming Saturday - 26th August.  It's still possible to book a private individual or small group session in the next 10 days.  The 'Back to Strength' Fitness class will continue whilst I am away with the brilliant and very talented Shivangi.

Once I return in October, the whole class schedule will resume and I will share it on here.  We hope to have a new yoga instructor starting with us in October, running classes three mornings a week. Not to mention our sound and guided meditation based classes and a new short meditation group class.  More news to come in October regarding this.

New weight collection at the studio
Shivangi's classes are going especially well at the studio.  As a reminder of her classes, she runs strength fitness classes at the studio on a Monday and Friday evening at 6pm.  We have a great group of people going but there's still room to join.  Classes are limited to six people so that focused attention
 is given to each person.

We've added some new weights to the collection and it's wonderful to see the collection growing and for us to have the necessary equipment, not just for Shivangi's classes but for the rehab style exercise sessions we offer to people. 


Spiky balls for releasing tension
I've told many of you about the spiky balls before but I really recommend getting a spiky ball and using them to work into areas of tightness and restriction.  You can use these inbetween your therapy sessions.  They work especially well as unlike foam rollers they are more specific and precise at how they work into a muscle.  They can be especially helpful for tight glutes, tight feet, hip flexors and all around the shoulders.

These can be purchased from Amazon or Decathalon and useful to have in the home for when you are feeling an ache and a pain and can grab for the ball.  Here's a link to one of many options on Amazon.  Spiky ball

Here is a video demonstrating how the spiky ball can be used.  Spiky ball video

How to get the best benefit for your body?

Many times as a therapist I'm asked what's the quickest way to get rid of the pain/deal with the issue/ release the tightness.  One of the things we really need to start taking on board is that it's a whole system approach, so it's not just about treating the area so the pain will go away and then go back to our previous habits.  Equally if we only focus on the physical issues and don't take into consideration the emotional and mental impact then the problem can keep reocurring.  It's also important to understand that if you're active or work out a lot then your muscles are going to tighten as a result of being used so much.

Key to getting into the best shape for your body....
Deep tissue massage - to break down tension, remove restrictions, increase mobility.
Exercise - to strengthen weak muscles and to increase mobility.
Movement - You need to be moving regularly.  Leading a sedentery life can lead to tightness and weak muscles that are under used.
Healthy eating - It's important to have a nutritious diet and not over indulge
Meditation/Taking time out - It's important to meditate or take time out to de-stress, to find inner calmness so that the body stays relaxed instead of being in a hightened state of stress.

As you can see, it's a whole holistic approach, making lifestyle changes rather than expecting quick fixes.  A path to well being.

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