Saturday, 1 February 2025

Fit and Fab in Feb

 I'm late with the belated New Year wishes!  Hard to believe already a month of the year is over.  I hope everyones year is off to a good start.  That you've set some nice goals and intentions and are ready for a great year ahead.

It feels like winter is coming to an end and the warmer weather has already begun.  The warmer weather will certainly be benefical for all those aches and pains as the cold tends to make things worse.  

The new year is a great opportunity to start putting the health first.  So why not take up the challenge of getting Fit in Feb and by fit we mean not just phyiscally but mentally too.  It's time to give yourself an overhaul.

Yoga Class

At J.R.T we offer a regular Tuesday morning yoga class.  Several of you have expressed interest in attending, so maybe this is the month to do so.  Anna runs a class at 11.30am every Tuesday and is a very experienced yoga teacher with a real passion for yoga and well being.  She finishes with a lovely little meditation at the end after a thorough yoga workout.

Sound Meditation

Our regular sound meditation session has moved from the Saturday evening to Thursday evening.  It runs every three weeks.  If it's a little too long to wait inbetween sessions, you can also organise your own private group or individual session.

Sound meditation is a wonderful way of soothing the mind and body.  A way to switch off, to let go, to clear the thoughts and find that inner stillness.  Through the range of different instruments being played, it creates a rhythmical and cleansing space.  Sound meditation is ideal for people who struggle to meditate as before you know it, you've drifted off to a floating calmness.  It's ideal for people who've never meditated before or find it hard to switch off.

Benefits of Meditation - How to get started

I think many of us know the benefits of meditation, that it helps to reduce stress levels, provide mental clarity, enhances self awareness, allows you to think better and be less consumed and controlled by emotions.  Clients often ask me about how to meditate, as although they like the idea of it, they find it hard to do.  

To get started with meditation, it can help to have something to focus upon, some people use a candle flame others use an image on the wall.  By looking at the object and staying focused upon it, so that you are in the moment, the mind can begin to clear.  If you're struggling, you can focus on the breathing.  It can help to set an alarm so that you're only meditating for a few minutes to begin with and by having the alarm you can resist the temptation to see how long you have been meditating for.  In the beginning, meditating can feel long when it has only been 2 minutes.  

Setting yourself the intention of meditating for 5 minutes to begin with and three times a week are more realistic plans than trying to meditate everyday and so you're more likely to stick to this.   You can then build it up as time goes on. Music can sometimes help and it's always best to find a quiet place where you're not likely to be interrupted.

Goal Setting

Whilst January is often a key time for setting those goals and intentions, February is the perfect time too.  Pyshologists say that we are more likely to keep up the goals we set in February as opposed to the ones we make at the beginning of the year.  With goal setting, it's always best to set goals that may push you somewhat out of your comfort zone but are also realistic, so no goal setting that you'll go to the moon this year!  

If you set yourself between 5 - 7 goals for the year, it gives you a more achievable time limit to complete them within and doesn't leave you feeling overwhelmed.  You can review the goals on a monthly or regular basis to see how you're progressing towards completing them and if any need changing out as sometimes the things we thought we wanted, we no longer do. It helps to set monthly steps to work towards your goals so that you are making the practical steps to achieving them.  Perhaps there are goals and intentions you've had that you've been putting off and you could make them your target for the year.  Mine will be to work on my strength and flexibility as overall strength is so important for us.

Finishing for the wedding

As many of you know, i am getting married this month.  It's been a busy and hectic time to get here but we are looking forward to the celebrations ahead.  This will be my last full working week before i finish on the 9th Feb.  It will resume work from 21st Feb.  So if you do want a session before the wedding and my 10 days off, then send me a message and will get you booked in.  Sessions are filling fast.

That's all for this month.  Hope everyone has a great February😊


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