Saturday 6 June 2020

Don't forget, we offer meditation too!

As many of you know, I am now back massaging....and what I'm finding is how much tension many of you have in your scalp!

Our head's tend to carry a lot of the stress and tension and even if we don't think we're that stressed our head and muscles tell us otherwise.  During unprecedented times like this, we can spend a lot of time in our head, thinking and processing and there is a collective stress out there as we all come to terms with a silent virus.  It's a lot to have to cope with and that's where meditation helps.  A few people asked if we would be starting the sound meditation group, in a social distancing way soon and I'm looking to do that if there is enough interest there.  

There would be up to a maximum of four people although it's likely I'd keep that at 3 people.  Sessions would be the same price as when we did the larger group, so at 500Rs each.  

You're welcome to put your own small group together, so perhaps make it a family or friends group.  I'd offer a special rate compared to what's on my website, so for two people it would be 700Rs each and for 3 or 4 of you 500Rs each.   I also offer one to one sound meditation (1400Rs) so you can have your own private session where you can completely switch off and find yourself in a deeply relaxed state.

There's also the option of guided meditation where this can be offered in a group of two people or on a one to one basis.  This needs to be  smaller number due to the fact that you have to hear my voice!  The special rate for that would be 700Rs each or one to one at 1200Rs.

The guided meditation session can also be done online via zoom if you like the idea of a privately constructed guided meditation session without physically being present. We begin with a breathe awareness meditation together, body scan to relax and release tightness held in the muscles and a guided visualisation.

So, there's many ways to switch off the mind, create clarity and space to think or process or  to simply be.

Contact Dannie: or whatsapp on 8239322686
You can check out the website for more info

Don't forget we also offer a range of stress busting products, from fragrance oils for the burners to scented candles, stress relieving and uplifting massage body oils.  

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