Thursday 11 June 2020

Movement is key to the body!

As many of you know, I trained in Pilates last year and i do look forward to at some point in the future running a beginners Pilates course when we are back up and running.  There will be an exercise based class and a class aimed at lower back and shoulder rehabilitation classes,  in conjunction with help and support from physios in the UK.

One group of my favourite exercises that I've found really useful and clients have fed back that they helped, are the exercises in the link below.  I've personally used these myself and found them great for stabilising the scapula and making sure muscles like the rhomboids worked instead of the chest doing too much of the work.

Movement is key and that can come in many forms and I know many of us have been exercising away during lockdown!  I have personally been doing a lot of the Joe Wicks HIIT Youtube videos.  He does a range for children....although i would say they are ideal for anyone wanting to get into HIIT training as their a great level of challenging - not too difficult or easy and they can really help to strengthen muscles to support the back.

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