Saturday 2 January 2021

Some helpful exercises to benefit you best

 As i have discussed with many of you before, massage works best and sees longer standing results when teamed with exercise, as it's through strengthening muscles and being active that we see lasting results.  Massage works well in conjunction with exercise and can help to reduce the tightness and restrictions, allowing us to exercise better, get better stretches in and increase range of motion so we can work on strengthening.

One of the key areas that often needs loosening up is the piriformis muscle.  A tight piriformis along with other key muscles and weak muscles can be the source of lower back pain.  This video has some key common and useful piriformis exercises in that you can make a part of your regular exercise routine.

Another key area of tension and common issue and goes hand in hand with piriformis pain, is sacroiliac joint pain and this joint can be found at the base of the spine.  Again working on loosening this area up, both by performing the piriformis stretches above and these exercises to help strengthen the surrounding muscles around the SI joint, can be beneficial in reducing lower back pain.

This is another one of Michelle Kenway's videos, as she is very good at explaining how to do it correctly to get the maximum benefit.  This time a video on strengthening the core, as once again, it all goes hand in hand and is all connected.  By strengthening the core, it takes the pressure off the lower back that has had to compensate for weak core muscles and is likely to have in turn caused issues in the glutes, piriformis and SI joint.  Strengthening the core is very important to overall body health.

Hopefully these videos give you a good starting point and a reminder that you are an active participant in your own health and well-being.

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