Sunday 14 January 2024

New Year, new beginnings

 Happy New Year! We welcome in another year and say hello to 2024.  I'm going to be back to writing a regular monthly blog post, with the latest round up of news at the studio including health & well being related tips in general.

Keeping warm in this cold weather
It's especially cold at the moment and in the winter months we all do have a habit of hunching our shoulders and tensing up to keep warm, however as you can imagine, this does not help our body or our muscles and tends to tighten things further.  So It's really important to stay warm and avoid hunching which tightens up the neck.

You can wear a scarf to keep the neck area warm, thermals and lots of layers so the trunk of the body is kept warm and stops excessive hunching.  

Muscles and joints tend to ache more in the cold weather (due to us contracting our muscles) and you can use heat patches on any areas that get especially tight or painful.  

Hot stone massage treatments available at the studio
With this ongoing cold weather, a little reminder that we have our hot stone massage treatments available at the studio.

This is always such a wonderful treatment in winter and gives a real blast of heat which goes deep into the muscles.  It helps to break down tension quicker and provides an overall super relaxing treatment.  The stones are used both to massage with and placed on the body.

You can find out more on our

Movement is medicine
One of the big phrases in the therapy world is 'Movement is Medicine' and it really is what it says.  It's so important for us to get up and move.  If you tend to spend a lot of time sitting, try to factor in breaks or set your alarm so you can get up and walk around, even if it means taking calls whilst walking, so that you have a break from sitting. 

 Excessive sitting causes weak glutes, tightness and restrictions in the lower back, weakening of the hamstring and tightness in the hip flexors.  In general our bodies always feel better with some movement.  So whether it's 10 minutes stretching in the morning, some walking during the day, joining a fitness or yoga class, make movement a part of your everyday life and simply move.  Make 2024 the year that you get up, get moving and get your health in its best possible shape!

Yoga with Georgia
We're very excited and pleased to have Georgia taking yoga classes in the studio.  She has even managed to convert me, someone who isn't naturally the biggest fan of yoga, to get on board and attend some classes.  I really notice the difference in my muscles post the class and it's rewarding to see the strength and flexibility coming into the body.  Her classes usually run on a Tuesday and Saturday morning - she is traveling after the 18th but will be back in a few weeks.  Classes run on Tuesdays at 9am and Saturdays at 10am.  She's putting on a class this Wednesday at 9.30am (so that people can have one more session before her travels!) so why not sign up for this Wednesday or make a plan to attend when she is back.

Indi-ssentials new products launched
It's been a busy start to the year at the studio with our Indi-ssentials product range.    We still have all your firm favourites but have listened to your requests and have added two additional room sprays in some of our most popular scents.  One is Winter Warmer room spray which is ideal for this time of year to create a warm, cozy yet winter scent within the home, containing orange, ginger, cinnamon & star anise it has a real warming January feel to it.  The other is the 'Grounding' scent that so many of you love.  It has an earthy, soothing yet subtle scent to it.

Alongside this we have added a range of body sprays that can be sprayed directly onto skin or as your everyday perfume/body scent.  We've added two new candles into the mix and will have a new candle range coming soon too.  It's lovely to see the growth and development of Indi-ssentials and so nice to see many of you being repeat buyers.

You can request a copy of the product brochure via Whatsapp.  I will also share it once again soon with everyone.

New Year, new possibilities, new mindset
The new year is a wonderful time to set new goals and intentions and you can definitely do this at any time of the year but there is something about the freshness of new year that makes you want to start all over again.

So perhaps take a little time to sit in meditation, to reflect on the year that has gone, without judgement and through quietening the mind in meditation.  Ask yourself the question, what do you want this year to look like.  Whilst sitting in reflection or meditation, try not to think too hard but continue to repeat the question almost like a mantra and observe what answers come up.  Receive what comes and observe it without engaging but watching to see how it unfolds in your mind. You can write this down after and reflect further on it or if something resonates with you, you can meditate further on this or put it into action what feels right.

Have a wonderful start to 2024.  Look forward to exploring more of the year with you.  Wishing you all a prosperous, happy and successful 2024.

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