Tuesday 19 March 2024

March updates & UK travel dates

It seems the winter is over and the warmer weather has begun.  As someone who loves the heat, I'm happy! Plus it gives our bodies the much needed vitamin D which is important for healthy bones and our immune system.

I hope you're all having a great March and looking forward to this holiday weekend.  I know it's been a busy couple of months what with wedding season and plenty of social events happening in Jaipur, perfect opportunity perhaps to schedule a massage therapy session now that things are beginning to calm a little!  

Here's the latest updates from J.R.T.

News from the studio

It's been a busy time at the studio as Indi-ssentials has been very busy and I've been seeing lots of you for your therapy sessions too.

Thank you to everyone who has been patient whilst the shop renovation work above was going on.  It's finally almost complete and I appreciate everyone putting up with some of the ongoing work.  As a result of the renovation work, the meditation sessions had to be put on hold, however we are able to offer a Sound meditation session this Saturday our last one until i return from my Uk trip in mid May.  

It will be at 6pm on Saturday. So why not think of joining us!

Meditation range of candles 
Talking of meditation.  We're launching our new meditation range of candles.  There's four candles in the meditation range.  All designed for a specific purpose and blending using aromatherapy oils to aid you in these areas.

Serenity Meditation CandleFor calmness & stillness

Intentions Meditation Candle – For manifestation & creation

Intuition Meditation Candle – For clarity & awakening inner voice

Grounded Meditation Candle – For deep roots & earthing

They come in beautiful glass jars, with a subtle scent to enhance your meditation practice rather than overpowering.  You can use the candle flame to guide you into your meditational state.  You can drop me a message to purchase your candle or set.  These are available at an exclusive price to J.R.T clients at 800Rs. 170ml glass jar with wooden lid.  Ideal for gifting too.

3 month health goals

As we are coming to the end of the first three months of 2024, I personally like to set myself health goals every 3 - 4 months to keep my health and well being on track.  Do you set any monthly or 3 monthly health goals? I find setting time periods gives us goals within which to work and be accountable.  Perhaps this is the month to get on board with this.  To give you some ideas of the kinds of goals you can set, I have compiled some options.

** Drinking minimum 2 liters of water - Making sure to carry a water bottle everywhere so you actively drink from it (This is one of my goals for the next 3 months)
** Starting the day with warm water and a dash of lemon - To help kick start the digestive system.
** Importance of sleep -   Sleep allows our brain and our bodies to repair.  A lack of sleep affects our ability to function at our normal levels, can reduce our stress levels, affects our immune system and ability to bounce back post illness.  Sleep gives our bodies the crucial time to restore itself ready for the next day.
** Create 20 minutes of quiet time 3 x a week - This means finding somewhere quiet, alone where you can be still.  You don't have to meditate, perhaps simply sitting and enjoying a chai and simply being present.  No phone, no music, no distractions, just a chance to sit, observe, watch the world outside or to be still without any outside noises.
**Work on keeping stress levels under control - Stress truly is a silent danger and we can only push our bodies and minds so long, so perhaps commit to better balance in your life and finding ways to keep calms and not overdo it.
** Make time to get outside everyday -  To help you feel grounded and connected, whether it's going for a walk to help with fitness, or listening to the birds on an evening or a chance to enjoy some early morning sunshine in order to top up your vitamin D level.
**Harness the power of some of the superfoods - Such as mushrooms which are beneficial for vitamin B and D levels, reducing cholesterol levels and much more.  Or other super foods such as pumpkin, broccoli, berries and sweet potatoes.

Perhaps it's given you some inspiration for your goals for the next few months or you have some of your own to begin working on.

Upcoming UK trip - J.R.T closed for 6 weeks

You're still welcome to contact me whilst i am away if you are in need of any health and wellbeing related advice or any exercises sending through, am happy to help where i can.  I will remind everyone a week before i am due to return.
Lastly J.R.T will be closed from Friday 29th March till 15th May as I head to the UK once again to work with my UK clients for 6 weeks.  There's still time to book in over the next 9 days although there are very limited spaces left this week but several spaces for next week excluding Monday when the studio will be closed for Holi.

Have a great rest of March!

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