Tuesday 19 March 2024

March updates & UK travel dates

It seems the winter is over and the warmer weather has begun.  As someone who loves the heat, I'm happy! Plus it gives our bodies the much needed vitamin D which is important for healthy bones and our immune system.

I hope you're all having a great March and looking forward to this holiday weekend.  I know it's been a busy couple of months what with wedding season and plenty of social events happening in Jaipur, perfect opportunity perhaps to schedule a massage therapy session now that things are beginning to calm a little!  

Here's the latest updates from J.R.T.

News from the studio

It's been a busy time at the studio as Indi-ssentials has been very busy and I've been seeing lots of you for your therapy sessions too.

Thank you to everyone who has been patient whilst the shop renovation work above was going on.  It's finally almost complete and I appreciate everyone putting up with some of the ongoing work.  As a result of the renovation work, the meditation sessions had to be put on hold, however we are able to offer a Sound meditation session this Saturday our last one until i return from my Uk trip in mid May.  

It will be at 6pm on Saturday. So why not think of joining us!

Meditation range of candles 
Talking of meditation.  We're launching our new meditation range of candles.  There's four candles in the meditation range.  All designed for a specific purpose and blending using aromatherapy oils to aid you in these areas.

Serenity Meditation CandleFor calmness & stillness

Intentions Meditation Candle – For manifestation & creation

Intuition Meditation Candle – For clarity & awakening inner voice

Grounded Meditation Candle – For deep roots & earthing

They come in beautiful glass jars, with a subtle scent to enhance your meditation practice rather than overpowering.  You can use the candle flame to guide you into your meditational state.  You can drop me a message to purchase your candle or set.  These are available at an exclusive price to J.R.T clients at 800Rs. 170ml glass jar with wooden lid.  Ideal for gifting too.

3 month health goals

As we are coming to the end of the first three months of 2024, I personally like to set myself health goals every 3 - 4 months to keep my health and well being on track.  Do you set any monthly or 3 monthly health goals? I find setting time periods gives us goals within which to work and be accountable.  Perhaps this is the month to get on board with this.  To give you some ideas of the kinds of goals you can set, I have compiled some options.

** Drinking minimum 2 liters of water - Making sure to carry a water bottle everywhere so you actively drink from it (This is one of my goals for the next 3 months)
** Starting the day with warm water and a dash of lemon - To help kick start the digestive system.
** Importance of sleep -   Sleep allows our brain and our bodies to repair.  A lack of sleep affects our ability to function at our normal levels, can reduce our stress levels, affects our immune system and ability to bounce back post illness.  Sleep gives our bodies the crucial time to restore itself ready for the next day.
** Create 20 minutes of quiet time 3 x a week - This means finding somewhere quiet, alone where you can be still.  You don't have to meditate, perhaps simply sitting and enjoying a chai and simply being present.  No phone, no music, no distractions, just a chance to sit, observe, watch the world outside or to be still without any outside noises.
**Work on keeping stress levels under control - Stress truly is a silent danger and we can only push our bodies and minds so long, so perhaps commit to better balance in your life and finding ways to keep calms and not overdo it.
** Make time to get outside everyday -  To help you feel grounded and connected, whether it's going for a walk to help with fitness, or listening to the birds on an evening or a chance to enjoy some early morning sunshine in order to top up your vitamin D level.
**Harness the power of some of the superfoods - Such as mushrooms which are beneficial for vitamin B and D levels, reducing cholesterol levels and much more.  Or other super foods such as pumpkin, broccoli, berries and sweet potatoes.

Perhaps it's given you some inspiration for your goals for the next few months or you have some of your own to begin working on.

Upcoming UK trip - J.R.T closed for 6 weeks

You're still welcome to contact me whilst i am away if you are in need of any health and wellbeing related advice or any exercises sending through, am happy to help where i can.  I will remind everyone a week before i am due to return.
Lastly J.R.T will be closed from Friday 29th March till 15th May as I head to the UK once again to work with my UK clients for 6 weeks.  There's still time to book in over the next 9 days although there are very limited spaces left this week but several spaces for next week excluding Monday when the studio will be closed for Holi.

Have a great rest of March!

Sunday 14 January 2024

New Year, new beginnings

 Happy New Year! We welcome in another year and say hello to 2024.  I'm going to be back to writing a regular monthly blog post, with the latest round up of news at the studio including health & well being related tips in general.

Keeping warm in this cold weather
It's especially cold at the moment and in the winter months we all do have a habit of hunching our shoulders and tensing up to keep warm, however as you can imagine, this does not help our body or our muscles and tends to tighten things further.  So It's really important to stay warm and avoid hunching which tightens up the neck.

You can wear a scarf to keep the neck area warm, thermals and lots of layers so the trunk of the body is kept warm and stops excessive hunching.  

Muscles and joints tend to ache more in the cold weather (due to us contracting our muscles) and you can use heat patches on any areas that get especially tight or painful.  

Hot stone massage treatments available at the studio
With this ongoing cold weather, a little reminder that we have our hot stone massage treatments available at the studio.

This is always such a wonderful treatment in winter and gives a real blast of heat which goes deep into the muscles.  It helps to break down tension quicker and provides an overall super relaxing treatment.  The stones are used both to massage with and placed on the body.

You can find out more on our websitewww.massagejaipur.com

Movement is medicine
One of the big phrases in the therapy world is 'Movement is Medicine' and it really is what it says.  It's so important for us to get up and move.  If you tend to spend a lot of time sitting, try to factor in breaks or set your alarm so you can get up and walk around, even if it means taking calls whilst walking, so that you have a break from sitting. 

 Excessive sitting causes weak glutes, tightness and restrictions in the lower back, weakening of the hamstring and tightness in the hip flexors.  In general our bodies always feel better with some movement.  So whether it's 10 minutes stretching in the morning, some walking during the day, joining a fitness or yoga class, make movement a part of your everyday life and simply move.  Make 2024 the year that you get up, get moving and get your health in its best possible shape!

Yoga with Georgia
We're very excited and pleased to have Georgia taking yoga classes in the studio.  She has even managed to convert me, someone who isn't naturally the biggest fan of yoga, to get on board and attend some classes.  I really notice the difference in my muscles post the class and it's rewarding to see the strength and flexibility coming into the body.  Her classes usually run on a Tuesday and Saturday morning - she is traveling after the 18th but will be back in a few weeks.  Classes run on Tuesdays at 9am and Saturdays at 10am.  She's putting on a class this Wednesday at 9.30am (so that people can have one more session before her travels!) so why not sign up for this Wednesday or make a plan to attend when she is back.

Indi-ssentials new products launched
It's been a busy start to the year at the studio with our Indi-ssentials product range.    We still have all your firm favourites but have listened to your requests and have added two additional room sprays in some of our most popular scents.  One is Winter Warmer room spray which is ideal for this time of year to create a warm, cozy yet winter scent within the home, containing orange, ginger, cinnamon & star anise it has a real warming January feel to it.  The other is the 'Grounding' scent that so many of you love.  It has an earthy, soothing yet subtle scent to it.

Alongside this we have added a range of body sprays that can be sprayed directly onto skin or as your everyday perfume/body scent.  We've added two new candles into the mix and will have a new candle range coming soon too.  It's lovely to see the growth and development of Indi-ssentials and so nice to see many of you being repeat buyers.

You can request a copy of the product brochure via Whatsapp.  I will also share it once again soon with everyone.

New Year, new possibilities, new mindset
The new year is a wonderful time to set new goals and intentions and you can definitely do this at any time of the year but there is something about the freshness of new year that makes you want to start all over again.

So perhaps take a little time to sit in meditation, to reflect on the year that has gone, without judgement and through quietening the mind in meditation.  Ask yourself the question, what do you want this year to look like.  Whilst sitting in reflection or meditation, try not to think too hard but continue to repeat the question almost like a mantra and observe what answers come up.  Receive what comes and observe it without engaging but watching to see how it unfolds in your mind. You can write this down after and reflect further on it or if something resonates with you, you can meditate further on this or put it into action what feels right.

Have a wonderful start to 2024.  Look forward to exploring more of the year with you.  Wishing you all a prosperous, happy and successful 2024.

Wednesday 13 December 2023

End of the Year round up.

 Hello All! Well what a busy November and December it's been for everyone.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Diwali, celebrated this auspicious occasion and perhaps took a moment to reflect on the meaning of light overcoming darkness.

It was further busy with the elections going on and now we are approaching the end of the year! I know there's a lot of travel and plans occurring.

After the hecticness and indulgence of Diwali and a new year soon beginning, it's a nice opportunity to put your health first and focus on finding that balance once again.

Getting your vitamin D intake
With winter here and all the colds and numerous bugs going around it's now more important that ever to ensure we get our daily dose of vitamin D.  Living in India we have the option to receive it direct from the sun but the next best alternative would be a supplement.  Vitamin D is not naturally present in many foods so it's hard to get from the diet.

Vitamin D is important for our system and especially in winter as it helps support and boost the immune system which we definitely need to keep those colds and other germs at bay.

It aids the absorption of calcium.  Without healthy levels of vitamin D the body absorbs only 10 - 15% of dietary calcium.  Calcium is crucial for healthy bones and teeth.  A lack of vitamin D can affect our bone density which can increase the risk of arthritic conditions.

Vitamin D could also help to boost our mood.  Some studies show that it helps uplift peoples moods and some time spent outdoors is always a little uplifting.

So make sure this winter to continue getting your dose of vitamin D, get outside for some sunshine, take a supplement or consume more dairy and fish based products to obtain it in your diet.

Christmas closure
As many of you may remember, this year I am going to the UK for Christmas to spend it with my family.  It's the first Christmas back in the UK for 7 years.  I'm looking forward to seeing the family and taking part in the festive celebrations but am not looking forward to the cold!

So Jaipur Remedial Therapies will be closed from 21st December to 30th December inclusive.  Appointments will start again from 31st December. So a little advance notice that i will be away for those 10 days.  I'm very busy with therapy sessions before I go but there are some spaces available.

New website finally launched
It's taken me some time to get it set up but the new Jaipur Remedial Therapies website is now ready to share.  There's one additional page to come and a few corrections here and there but I wanted to get it shared with you as I know several of you have been wanting to see the website for some time.

So here it is! 

You can find out about all the different treatments we actually offer at JRT and the various classes that we have running on a regular basis and everything there is to know about the studio.  Well worth checking it out and familiarising yourself with things.

Our Group Classes section
We now have a page on the website detailing what classes we offer, the booking link and what the class schedule is, so you get a clearer idea of what's on offer each week.


Well worth checking out the range of options and different classes being held.  As we stress time and time again, stretching, strengthening and remedial massage combine together to provide  the best holistic approach for your body physically.  A dash of meditation in there is great for the mind too.

Our strength coach Shivangi is exceptional and her knowledge and training extensive.  A class that keeps you wanting to come back every time.

Each class at J.R.T has its own Whatsapp group including our meditation classes.  If you want to be added to a specific Whatsapp group then just drop me a message.  It allows you to be kept up to date with that specific class and you can then sign up to a session as and when you want to.  We also share motivational tips and tricks in there so it's well worth joining one of the groups even if you're not quite ready to attend a classes yet.

Private individual & group sound or guided meditation sessions
Additionally on the website you can find out more about the sound and guided meditation sessions.  Quite a few of you have been asking about private sessions for this and the good news is that these are always available.  You can organise either your own individual or private group session at the studio at a time that is convenient for you rather than having to wait for the public group sessions.  A private individual session is taken in the smaller room where the sounds really immerse you.  Guided meditation sessions can be tailored to your specific needs.

You can find out more about the guided meditation and sound meditation sessions here.


Cancellation Policy
Firstly a big thank you to all those clients who cancel rarely or with plenty of notice, it's always appreciated. Very few people do cancel last minute, so I appreciate this doesn't apply to many of you.

 In line with the new website and the additional services we are now offering at Jaipur Remedial Therapies, the cancellation will be rolled out for all sessions and classes.  Cancellations which happen within a 12 hour period of the session time will incur a charge of 50% of the cost of the treatment. This is because someone else could have used the time and with short notice we may be unable to fill the session.

Did you know?.....
These days i am hearing through nutritionist friends about the benefits of mushrooms and fungi.  I recently watched a documentary that was highly recommended to me (there's also a book), called Fantastic Fungi.  Certainly interesting and worth a watch.

What makes mushrooms a super food?  Well their packed with antioxidants, full of vitamin A, B and C, with the ability to reverse the negative effects of free radical - things which can harm our cells.  Several are adaptogens and so help the body cope with stress better.

It's definitely worth increasing your intake of mushrooms, reishi in particular is said to have a lot of health benefits and you can even take it in tea form.

That's all for this month.  I'll be back to posting my regular month blog posts with latest info, helpful information and insights and all things health and well being related.

Enjoy the last few weeks of 2023.  I hope you all have some wonderful plans for the New Year celebrations and have some ideas for how you would like 2024 to look. 

Sunday 20 August 2023

August updates! - UK trip pending

I hope everyone has had a good month.  I know a lot of travel has been happening and people enjoying the monsoon weather. I'm updating you all with this month's news.

Remedial Therapy aspect closed from 31st August until 9th Oct
It's come round quick, but once again I'm heading to the UK for my second annual work trip and visa renewal.  Shivangi's Back to Strength Classes will continue and Mahela is available offering physiotherapy sessions but the remedial massage therapy aspect will be closed from 31st August till 9th October.

I'll be gone 5 and a half weeks.  It's a shorter trip than normal and am sure the time will pass quick and I will be back with you all once again.  There's ten days left to get your sessions booked in and sorted before I leave, so we have some time yet.  You're still welcome to contact me whilst I am away regarding any aches, pains or issues and I'll advise where I can.

Great Results from Dry Needling

It's been brilliant to see many of you booking in for a session combining massage and dry needling together and most importantly, the benefits we are seeing from this.  Dry needling has been a great addition to the therapy tool kit and I think those of you who have tried it have been pleased with the results.  It's very effective for those who have chronic or acute aches and pains in the shoulders, neck, glutes and legs and is another way of getting into the tigthness and restrictions within the muscles in addition to the deep tissue massage.  Dry needling can be incoporated into a 90 minute or 2 hour therapy session.

Class Schedule
Our last group sound meditation class will be this coming Saturday - 26th August.  It's still possible to book a private individual or small group session in the next 10 days.  The 'Back to Strength' Fitness class will continue whilst I am away with the brilliant and very talented Shivangi.

Once I return in October, the whole class schedule will resume and I will share it on here.  We hope to have a new yoga instructor starting with us in October, running classes three mornings a week. Not to mention our sound and guided meditation based classes and a new short meditation group class.  More news to come in October regarding this.

New weight collection at the studio
Shivangi's classes are going especially well at the studio.  As a reminder of her classes, she runs strength fitness classes at the studio on a Monday and Friday evening at 6pm.  We have a great group of people going but there's still room to join.  Classes are limited to six people so that focused attention
 is given to each person.

We've added some new weights to the collection and it's wonderful to see the collection growing and for us to have the necessary equipment, not just for Shivangi's classes but for the rehab style exercise sessions we offer to people. 


Spiky balls for releasing tension
I've told many of you about the spiky balls before but I really recommend getting a spiky ball and using them to work into areas of tightness and restriction.  You can use these inbetween your therapy sessions.  They work especially well as unlike foam rollers they are more specific and precise at how they work into a muscle.  They can be especially helpful for tight glutes, tight feet, hip flexors and all around the shoulders.

These can be purchased from Amazon or Decathalon and useful to have in the home for when you are feeling an ache and a pain and can grab for the ball.  Here's a link to one of many options on Amazon.  Spiky ball

Here is a video demonstrating how the spiky ball can be used.  Spiky ball video

How to get the best benefit for your body?

Many times as a therapist I'm asked what's the quickest way to get rid of the pain/deal with the issue/ release the tightness.  One of the things we really need to start taking on board is that it's a whole system approach, so it's not just about treating the area so the pain will go away and then go back to our previous habits.  Equally if we only focus on the physical issues and don't take into consideration the emotional and mental impact then the problem can keep reocurring.  It's also important to understand that if you're active or work out a lot then your muscles are going to tighten as a result of being used so much.

Key to getting into the best shape for your body....
Deep tissue massage - to break down tension, remove restrictions, increase mobility.
Exercise - to strengthen weak muscles and to increase mobility.
Movement - You need to be moving regularly.  Leading a sedentery life can lead to tightness and weak muscles that are under used.
Healthy eating - It's important to have a nutritious diet and not over indulge
Meditation/Taking time out - It's important to meditate or take time out to de-stress, to find inner calmness so that the body stays relaxed instead of being in a hightened state of stress.

As you can see, it's a whole holistic approach, making lifestyle changes rather than expecting quick fixes.  A path to well being.

Sunday 16 July 2023

July updates - Classes Resuming once again

What a wet summer we have all had! Quite a change from the usual weather. Hopefully things settle down a bit soon and monsoon isn't too extreme.

It seems quite a few people are back from their travels, I hope you all had a wonderful time.  I've just got back from my travels with my sister.  It was a great break but Indonesia was unfortunately hit by some extreme rain which did greatly impact our plans.

Now that I'm back, there's lots happening at the studio....

Remedial Therapy sessions
Deep tissue therapy sessions are up and running once again.  Providing you with a range of massage therapy sessions to get into those problem areas, relieve muscular tension caused by stress, injury or over use and treating a range of conditions to get you back on your feet.  It's also possible to combine this with Dry Needling to get the most benefit from the session.

Shivangi's new Friday Class
Due to the success of the first class and listening to feedback, we're very pleased to be launching our second class with Shivangi.  Classes will now be held on a Monday and Friday at 6pm.  The class is growing in popularity, Shivangi is brilliant at what she does and really takes into account form and technique which are crucial for exercising pain free. So do remember to book your space as we can fit a maximum of 6 people in the class.  Booking link is here.

Classes focus upon strengthening and mobilising the muscles, both of which help to decrease pain and muscular issues.

Next meditation sessions
Our meditations sessions are resuming once again.  We've a Tuesday morning sound and guided meditation group session this Tuesday (18th) from 9am.

We've considered how important it is to feel comfortable and relaxed during the meditations and have purchased these beds for participants to use and help bring about a deeply relaxed state of being.

Our meditation schedule for the next month.

Class loyalty scheme
We're setting up a class loyalty scheme.  You can mix and match the 1hour different classes (this excludes the Tuesday morning classes). If you take 10 classes within a 3 month period you get the 11th session free.  

My UK travel dates
I'm here for the next six weeks and then will be making my regular trip to the UK for work and visa related needs.  You'll all be pleased to know, I'll be gone for a slightly shorter amount of time this time!   In total around 5 and a half weeks.

J.R.T will be closed for deep tissue therapy/meditation from 1st September till 11th October.  The classes with Shivangi and Mahela's physiotherapy sessions will still be continuing.

I've been completing the last of my training and writing up my case studies for my dry needling and am really seeing the benefit that dry needling can bring to clients.  So to help you understand better what it is, I've explained below.  

What is dry needling?
Dry needling involves inserting an acupuncture needle into an area of tension and restriction.  It works effectively into the muscle as the needle goes straight into the trigger point.  Needles may be inserted for a few minutes or worked into the muscle to ease the restrictions and cause the muscle to relax.

You may feel a sensation when the needle goes in but it can also be relaxing and provide a therapeutic feeling where you can literally feel the muscle relaxing and giving.

How can it help you?
Dry needle can be effective in chronic pain issues, issues such as frozen shoulder and tendon related issues, tightness in muscles, beneficial in acute conditions.  It can be used to treat a range of conditions through out the body.  You can have a chat with us to devise a plan for using dry needling in your treatment.  Dry needling goes especially well at the end of the massage treatment as we have already relaxed the muscles and so can use the needling to go further into those areas of tension.

Dry needling can be added onto the end of a massage therapy session.  Minimum treatment time for massage and dry needling combination is 90 minutes.

That's all for this month and will bring further updates next month!

Friday 16 June 2023

Summer latest news

 Well it certainly feels like summer is back with us once again!  The stormy weather was a welcome break what with the cooler temperatures it brought! It's back to feeling like we're all melting once again!  I hope you've all had a good month and are enjoying this quieter period that's come to the city. I always enjoy the summer season in Jaipur as it has a certain calmness to it not experienced in other months. I know that many of you are travelling right now but for those still in the city, we're still here and providing a range of therapy treatments.  Weekends are our busiest times as always.

I've also been doing a bit of travel, having recently returned from a meditation training course up in Manali.  The training was helpful and insightful and continues to help with the mind and well being classes we are now running regularly at the studio.  We're looking to bring you more varied classes and wellbeing workshops in the monsoon season.   There's a lot going on behind the scenes at J.R.T at present as we continue to develop and expand the studio and the different offerings we have.

Talking of travel, I will be away from 27th June till 13th July inclusive as I'm traveling Indonesia with my sister.  You've got just under two weeks to book and have sessions so there's plenty of time.

As for the latest updates.....


Summer is always an opportunity to work on elements that you've less time for throughout the year and we're no different. At the moment I'm busy working on over hauling the Jaipur Remedial Therapies website to incorporate all the different things we now offer at the centre including our various classes from exercise to meditation. Not to mention the new dry needling that we offer, the add on exercise program and physiotherapist Mahela. Once it's complete I will share it with you all.  

It will be a helpful guide for you all to learn more about the different treatments offered, how each treatment can benefit you and how we can get body and mind into the best possible shape.


Dry needling is continuing to go well. I have passed my theory exam and now finishing my final case studies.  I'm really enjoying using dry needling and seeing the difference it can make when used in particular cases.  It's not needed in all treatments and best used for specific issues or at times when i feel needling would be helpful.  

I'm seeing a huge benefit by combining it with deep tissue massage and then adding on the dry needling at the end of the session.  The deep tissue massage softens, warms and loosens up the muscles greatly and for any really tight areas that are resisting and still remaining tight, dry needling is effective when used here. It's beneficial in both chronic and acute situations.  There'll be a more detailed write up about it on the new website but that gives you a little more insight for those who were asking.  It's simply another way of getting into a tight area of tension and restriction but one that is proving very effective.

I'm happy to chat about dry needling further for anyone who is interested in incorporating this into their therapy session.


With everyone traveling especially our instructors, our classes are on hold till July.  Our fitness & strength instructor Shivangi, has just completed the toughest one day endurance test in the world by completing the Iron Man challenge.  We couldn't be more proud of her and are so glad to have her on board running classes.  We plan to increase her classes to twice a week from July so that there's more opportunities to sign up and the option to be able to work out with her twice a week.

The meditation classes will resume once again from July when I return from my travels.  That includes the new guided meditation group and the regular sound meditation groups.

We're hoping to bring you some new additional classes starting in the monsoon season too so there'll be lots of classes to choose from.


We're also introducing our 10 session class package. 

Attend 10 classes within a 3 month period and you'll get the 11th session free.  You can mix and match between classes in the same price bracket/class length and with several classes a week to choose from , there's lots of scope to get your sessions in and get the most from the centre.


Although our classes are on hold, I couldn't miss the opportunity to put on a sound and guided meditation class for the summer solstice.  It is a pivotal point in the year, marking the half way point and the longest day of the year.  It is a beautiful energetic time of the year.  On previous occasions i have celebrated at Stonehenge as the summer rises on this auspicious day.  

I will be holding a sound and guided meditation centred around new beginnings, gratitude and abundance for this half way point of the year.  The session will be held at 6pm on Wednesday 21st June.

That's it for this month! I'll be back next month with the latest round ups and will have the new website and additional classes to share with you!  Have a great summer month😊

Saturday 29 April 2023

April Updates - and 1 week to go before I'm back massaging

 Hi All!  I come to you from a rather chilly UK.  Fortunately there has been a break in the rain so it's not all bad!  My work is going well and I am coming to the end of my time here with only a week to go till I return to India.

It sounds like summer is definitely there in Jaipur now with the hot temperatures.  Fortunately the studio has two new ACs ready for the summer so you'll be nice and cool for your therapy sessions.  

A lot of you have been getting in touch and it's great to hear from you.  I will be resuming therapy sessions from Monday 8th May.  You can begin booking in now or a little nearer the time.

Am looking forward to being back with you all soon and wanted to give an update on what to expect from J.R.T for the upcoming season.  

Introducing Guided Meditation Sessions
I'm getting lots of requests about meditation including guided meditation.  I do offer private guided meditation sessions but will be running a regular guided meditation group every two weeks.  In this group there will be a guided meditation with a different focus for each week and the guided meditations are different each time.

I'll be weaving manifestations and affirmations in there too so a real opportunity to bring about life changes through meditation.

There will also be an opportunity to practice and learn some meditation that you can do at home on your own.  A great class for anyone wanting to learn more about meditation or who enjoy guided meditation and maybe find conventional meditation a little difficult.

The class will run every two weeks on a Wednesday evening from 7pm - 8pm.  In the future I may look to starting an early morning session.

Upcoming Sound Meditation Sessions
Our popular sound meditation group classes will be starting soon after i get back.  There will be a full moon sound bath held at The Art Ghar on Monday 8th May and below is the program for all our classes including sound meditation sessions.

The regular Saturday evening and Tuesday morning session will be back and both will run alternate every two weeks.  

The Saturday class runs at 6pm every two weeks for 60 minutes.  This is an ideal class for beginners and focuses purely on the use of sound to explore your inner journey.  Deeply relaxing and an opportunity to switch off.

The Tuesday morning class runs at 9am for 90 minutes.  A longer session that combines elements of guided meditation with sound therapy to go deeper into your meditation and to really relax  and find that inner calm.  A restorative session that provides clarity and upliftment for the day ahead.

I'm looking forward to running our regular sound meditation sessions and it's always a wonderful sound journey!

New crystal singing bowls
I'm very excited to be bringing back two new crystal singing bowls to add to the collection.  I love the sound created by the singing bowls and find them a lovely addition to the collection of sound instruments that I now have.  The crystal bowls are a very soothing and meditative sound that help you switch off and provide that mental clarity.  

A reminder that you can attend our regular group class for sound meditation or arrange your own private session or private group session.

Our Yoga Class & Strength Training Class
It's been lovely to see some of you coming along to our new classes at the studio.  A lot of you have expressed interest in the classes and it would be brilliant to see more of you coming along to the classes, especially as they are very beneficial and can help with the aches, pains and problem areas that some of you are experiencing.

Our Strength/fitness class runs every Monday at 6pm.  Ran by Shivangi who has mastered a way to get fit whilst still maintaining form and not compromising her health.  She is an asset to have on board and I personally love attending her classes.

Anna runs a brilliant yoga class on a Thursday morning at 9am.  She lives and breathes yoga and loves to practice it on a daily basis and attributes her good back health to doing yoga regularly.  A class that really gets into your muscles and increases mobility.

Class Schedule for the month of May
Here is the class schedule for May.  You can book our classes through the class link.  


Dry Needling
As many of you might remember, I went on a five day dry needling course in February.  I've been busy doing my dry needling practices here in the UK and will begin to introduce this into my therapy work when i am back in India.  

Dry needling will only be available on sessions that are 90 minutes + long as the 60 minute sessions do not allow enough time for a whole body massage and dry needling.  It's a great therapy to experience and one which provides another opportunity to get into those tight muscles and restrictions within the body

Dry needling involves using an acupuncture needle and inserting it into an area of tension within the muscle.  It gets right into the muscle so can really help to release the restrictions.

It will also be possible to book the dry needling as a stand alone session too but appears very beneficial when combined with massage. 

Scheduling a session
As mentioned before, sessions will commence from Monday 8th May onwards.  It will be lovely to catch up with so many of you soon.  You can begin messaging me with your session bookings or wait till nearer the time. I've already received bookings from some of you. I will also send a reminder closer to when i am back.  I look forward to working with you all soon.

That's all for this month.  Will update you all next month.  In the meantime, stay cool