Saturday, 28 November 2020

When it's a big job but not a big job!

 Well, I finally finished my quarantine time, yay!  Time stuck indoors is never easy and I have been itching to get back to my studio.  Having not stepped inside the place for four and a half months, I was desperate to return to my happy place and to get putting it straight once more.  Having had it sit empty for over 4 months, i was a little apprehensive as to what state I would find it in.  I was also keen to get back to my beautiful oils and start whipping up some smells in there and create that relaxing, tranquil space we have all come to know and love.

For a place that has been closed up for that long, it had faired better than i expected....but there has still been a lot of work to do.  I knew this would be the case, hence choosing to spend an extra week closed so that i had time to get down to the studio.

So, I've been busy scrubbing, cleaning, moving, clearing and the studio is nicely taking shape.  There's still a fair bit to go and I'm also wanting to create some fresh new scents for us to work with.  Plus sorting out the Indi-ssentials product range ready for selling once more.  A few of you have already been asking about buying the massage/body oils, candles and pain balms.  

Here is the work in progress!  I will be cleaning in my sleep soon!

To this......

How to help with stress right now?

 I'm sure that when we all first heard about the coronavirus, many of us believed it would be over in a few months, nothing to worry too much about.....but here we are ending the year and it is still very much here!

The Indian Government has always placed a large emphasis on health and well being and our emotional state, noting things such as the role of Ayurveda and exercise.  This is wonderful to see, as our emotional health is very important.  

As this crisis continues on, we can find ourselves in a constant state of stress or heightened anxiety.....finding ourselves getting upset or agitated at the smallest things.  Stress during normal times can be difficult enough but extreme times like this can make it much worse.  So how are you looking after your stress levels right now?

Here are some handy ways to help tackle that stress.

  • Meditation! Whether it's listening to relaxing music, guided meditations or sitting in quiet contemplation, try to start your day with some quiet meditative time.
  • Being realistic - There are many things we would all like to be doing right now, or things we have missed out on or failed situations but be realistic on what you can achieve right now, otherwise you are setting yourself up for failure and added pressure.
  • Finding things to be grateful for each day.  You can even start a gratitude diary where you can write down what you are grateful for each day.
  • Watch a comedy/funny video.  Laughter and smiling helps to release endorphins which lift us up.
  • Getting up and being active.  This can help break that rut and you only need do it for a few minutes and you'll notice the difference.  Perhaps stick on your favourite song and dance round the room!  Or yoga for thoughtful breathing and connecting with the body.
  • Take a call with friends and family.  It's amazing what a video call with friends and family can do to help you feel supported and that even if you can't see them in person, you can still be connected to them.
  • Continue eating a healthy diet.  At times of stress we can end up eating food which leaves us feeling stodgy and bloated.  Try to maintain a healthy diet.  Not only will you be getting the right nutrients but you will feel good within yourself too.
  • Burn a nice scented candle, incense or oil burner full of uplifting, calming or de-stressing scents, whatever it is you are wanting to achieve, to help relieve your state of mind.

Look after body and mind and it will help look after you✨

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Finally!....We are reopening!

 It's been a long old time in the UK and i am so pleased to say that i am now back in India and working my way through my quarantine time and looking forward to launching the business again very soon.

I want to thank everyone for their patience, i appreciate it has been frustrating waiting for me to return and it's been disappointing having to leave Jaipur Remedial Therapies for so long but these are strange and difficult times we are all trying to sail through.

I hope to have Jaipur Remedial Therapies back up and running from 3rd December.  This will be for studio visits at present.  Strict hygiene protocols will be followed and only a small amount of clients seen at this time to ensure the safety of all concerned.

But I look forward to bringing back massage treatments, Indi-ssentials natural skincare range, meditation sessions both individuals and couple sessions of sound meditation and guided meditation.  As winter is also here, it is a great time to have a hot stone massage treatment.

I look forward to welcoming people from the 3rd December onwards:-)

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

What's been happening in these last few months?....

 Whilst Jaipur Remedial Therapies has been very quiet with me being away, that doesn't mean things have stopped.  Since I was last here in Jaipur, I've continued some education and studying in the UK.  Understanding and delving deeper into human anatomy and scar treatment and am signed up to take a scar tissue release course soon.  This builds on top of my remedial massage training and allows me to work on scars either as part of the massage treatment or as a solo treatment.  There are amazing benefits to having scar tissue worked upon as scar tissue can cause pain, discomfort, pulling on surrounding tissue and inbalance in the muscles.

I'm looking forward to the class, along with some other online learning i am currently studying in relation to human anatomy.  My time in the UK was very busy, providing massage treatments to many of my regular clients there.  You can check out the UK element of the business through my UK massage business here  My UK clients were very happy to have me back for so long!  We were even fortunate on some days to do some massage treatments in the sun😊

It was an opportunity to work on Indi-ssentials skincare and aromatherapy range.  Our pain balms were a best seller and sold out.  Followed by other firm favourites such as the Rose and vetiver face oil and mature skin face oil.  Candles also sold incredibly well and i had to make many more there due to popular demand.  As a reminder, these products are available here in Jaipur and will be available to purchase one again shortly.

Despite the busyness, it was wonderful to spend time with the family and take time out in nature to meditate and follow a more simpler approach and following a more natural way.  I hope to be able to bring back some sound meditation sessions either on a one to one basis, couples or small group basis.  Not forgetting the option for guided meditations too, which are one of my favourite things to do, both writing, creating and recording.  I'll let you know when I have another one to share.  These are some pictures from the stunning Yorkshire countryside.