Saturday 28 November 2020

How to help with stress right now?

 I'm sure that when we all first heard about the coronavirus, many of us believed it would be over in a few months, nothing to worry too much about.....but here we are ending the year and it is still very much here!

The Indian Government has always placed a large emphasis on health and well being and our emotional state, noting things such as the role of Ayurveda and exercise.  This is wonderful to see, as our emotional health is very important.  

As this crisis continues on, we can find ourselves in a constant state of stress or heightened anxiety.....finding ourselves getting upset or agitated at the smallest things.  Stress during normal times can be difficult enough but extreme times like this can make it much worse.  So how are you looking after your stress levels right now?

Here are some handy ways to help tackle that stress.

  • Meditation! Whether it's listening to relaxing music, guided meditations or sitting in quiet contemplation, try to start your day with some quiet meditative time.
  • Being realistic - There are many things we would all like to be doing right now, or things we have missed out on or failed situations but be realistic on what you can achieve right now, otherwise you are setting yourself up for failure and added pressure.
  • Finding things to be grateful for each day.  You can even start a gratitude diary where you can write down what you are grateful for each day.
  • Watch a comedy/funny video.  Laughter and smiling helps to release endorphins which lift us up.
  • Getting up and being active.  This can help break that rut and you only need do it for a few minutes and you'll notice the difference.  Perhaps stick on your favourite song and dance round the room!  Or yoga for thoughtful breathing and connecting with the body.
  • Take a call with friends and family.  It's amazing what a video call with friends and family can do to help you feel supported and that even if you can't see them in person, you can still be connected to them.
  • Continue eating a healthy diet.  At times of stress we can end up eating food which leaves us feeling stodgy and bloated.  Try to maintain a healthy diet.  Not only will you be getting the right nutrients but you will feel good within yourself too.
  • Burn a nice scented candle, incense or oil burner full of uplifting, calming or de-stressing scents, whatever it is you are wanting to achieve, to help relieve your state of mind.

Look after body and mind and it will help look after you✨

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