Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Impacts of cold weather on the body

It's definitely starting to get a little cold out there and one of the first places we feel it is in our muscles and joints. In the cold weather our muscles and connective tissue (ligaments and tendons) are less supple and don't benefit from being warmed up from the heat. This can leave us feeling stiff and achy.

We can spend a lot of time hunched to try and stay warm which ends up holding muscles in a tight and tense position....adding further to the aches and pains you already have.

So what can we do to combat this....

  • Keep warm! Layer up and make sure you have a good base layer so you don't feel the need to hunch.

  • You can use things like electric blankets, especially helpful if you use this on a morning five minutes before getting up as it will warm up those back muscles so you don't feel so stiff and achy.

  • You can also apply heat in different forms such as a hot water bottle, a warm towel, anything that gets heat to those areas that are particularly tight or painful. Heat is wonderful at warming and loosening things up.

  • You can also apply things like the natural pain balm we have for sale here at the studio as it helps to warm up the muscles. Or purchase wheat bags and heat packs from the pharmacy and apply to the area.

  • When getting up on a morning, try to start with a five minute stretching programme, simply to waken up the body and warm up the muscles ready for what you require of them throughout the day. People are a lot like a car, we don't expect that to start too well on a cold day and nor should we expect ourselves!

  • There's many simple stretching programmes you can start with to waken you up on the morning. I'm attaching a nice basic one here to get you started. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o4waoBbIZA

  • However stretching is not enough and during these cold periods, once our muscles are feeling warm, another good way to get the body going and keep that tension at bay is to do some movement. Something cardio based that gets us all warmed up and the whole system going. You can think skipping, running on the spot, doing big arm circles, dancing. Anything with lots of movement! I actually enjoy hula hooping and have found it so beneficial for my back.

So hopefully some good pointers to keep you going through these winter months! As many of you know, I am not good with the cold and in seasons like this I wonder if the sunshine will ever return....but before we know it summer will be here.😁

P,s. Not forgetting we have hot stone massage available at the studio, another option for a wonderful warming blast of heat.

Saturday, 26 December 2020

We made it! The year that challenged us all!

 It's been an incredibly challenging year and as this year draws to a close, it's a wonderful opportunity to reflect upon what we have learnt, what we can take away from this situation, where we need further growth and development, what challenged us, what broke up, what gave us strength, what made us smile and what made us realise we are stronger than we think!

I don't think many people will be sad to see the back of 2020, it was certainly a strange year!

Sunday, 20 December 2020

A reminder of our Indi-ssentials product range

 Just a little reminder to you all that we have our Indi-ssentials aromatherapeutic product range available.  

Ranging from our skin softening and nourishing body oils great for this dry weather, to our hair oils and mask designed at providing your hair with what it needs.  

We even have beard oils for the men.


If you're not wanting anything for the skin, we have our ever popular candle range, which sold out whilst i was in the UK and our fragrance burner oils.  

We have a new face oil available, designed for mature skin and we have our firm favourites such as the pain balm or body scrubs.  Lots to enjoy and great as a gift for a loved one😊

Friday, 18 December 2020

Individual or small private group sound meditation classes again:-)

 I don't know about you but i am really missing our sound meditation group.  I know a few of you asked about it and i have also been doing one or two private sessions for this.

As a recap, you can either book a 60 minute sound meditation session for yourself or for you and a family member/friend.  At this stage we will keep it at three people maximum who all must be connected to one another.  Two people is preferred.

I'm offering this at a special price, much lower than our usual private session charges as it's such a lovely treatment option and should be experienced.

Prices are 1000 inr for 1 person session or 600 inr each for two people.

Monday, 14 December 2020

It's feeling a little cold outside!....Time for hot stone massage!

The UK may be a lot colder than India but it is really starting to feel cold here in Jaipur!  Which in some ways is great, as it means it's time to have a hot stone massage!  Hot stone massages are lovely!  They give a wonderful blast of heat and help to warm you up.  But they also help to warm up the muscles, penetrate deeper into the tissue whilst providing a relaxing or therapeutic treatment.

Whilst, doing the big clean, I had a stiff and achy neck, I figured it was an opportunity to check the hot stone heater was working and get the stones ready to be used once more.  I heated them up and enjoyed the wonderful, warm and soothing blast of heat, as it melted the tension away and eased up the headache I'd been having that day.

Also not forgetting that the heated blanked is back on the massage table once again.  The massage room will be nicely heated with the heaters, when needed so you are sure to feel warm and snug and soothed!  Bliss!

Saturday, 28 November 2020

When it's a big job but not a big job!

 Well, I finally finished my quarantine time, yay!  Time stuck indoors is never easy and I have been itching to get back to my studio.  Having not stepped inside the place for four and a half months, I was desperate to return to my happy place and to get putting it straight once more.  Having had it sit empty for over 4 months, i was a little apprehensive as to what state I would find it in.  I was also keen to get back to my beautiful oils and start whipping up some smells in there and create that relaxing, tranquil space we have all come to know and love.

For a place that has been closed up for that long, it had faired better than i expected....but there has still been a lot of work to do.  I knew this would be the case, hence choosing to spend an extra week closed so that i had time to get down to the studio.

So, I've been busy scrubbing, cleaning, moving, clearing and the studio is nicely taking shape.  There's still a fair bit to go and I'm also wanting to create some fresh new scents for us to work with.  Plus sorting out the Indi-ssentials product range ready for selling once more.  A few of you have already been asking about buying the massage/body oils, candles and pain balms.  

Here is the work in progress!  I will be cleaning in my sleep soon!

To this......

How to help with stress right now?

 I'm sure that when we all first heard about the coronavirus, many of us believed it would be over in a few months, nothing to worry too much about.....but here we are ending the year and it is still very much here!

The Indian Government has always placed a large emphasis on health and well being and our emotional state, noting things such as the role of Ayurveda and exercise.  This is wonderful to see, as our emotional health is very important.  

As this crisis continues on, we can find ourselves in a constant state of stress or heightened anxiety.....finding ourselves getting upset or agitated at the smallest things.  Stress during normal times can be difficult enough but extreme times like this can make it much worse.  So how are you looking after your stress levels right now?

Here are some handy ways to help tackle that stress.

  • Meditation! Whether it's listening to relaxing music, guided meditations or sitting in quiet contemplation, try to start your day with some quiet meditative time.
  • Being realistic - There are many things we would all like to be doing right now, or things we have missed out on or failed situations but be realistic on what you can achieve right now, otherwise you are setting yourself up for failure and added pressure.
  • Finding things to be grateful for each day.  You can even start a gratitude diary where you can write down what you are grateful for each day.
  • Watch a comedy/funny video.  Laughter and smiling helps to release endorphins which lift us up.
  • Getting up and being active.  This can help break that rut and you only need do it for a few minutes and you'll notice the difference.  Perhaps stick on your favourite song and dance round the room!  Or yoga for thoughtful breathing and connecting with the body.
  • Take a call with friends and family.  It's amazing what a video call with friends and family can do to help you feel supported and that even if you can't see them in person, you can still be connected to them.
  • Continue eating a healthy diet.  At times of stress we can end up eating food which leaves us feeling stodgy and bloated.  Try to maintain a healthy diet.  Not only will you be getting the right nutrients but you will feel good within yourself too.
  • Burn a nice scented candle, incense or oil burner full of uplifting, calming or de-stressing scents, whatever it is you are wanting to achieve, to help relieve your state of mind.

Look after body and mind and it will help look after you✨

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Finally!....We are reopening!

 It's been a long old time in the UK and i am so pleased to say that i am now back in India and working my way through my quarantine time and looking forward to launching the business again very soon.

I want to thank everyone for their patience, i appreciate it has been frustrating waiting for me to return and it's been disappointing having to leave Jaipur Remedial Therapies for so long but these are strange and difficult times we are all trying to sail through.

I hope to have Jaipur Remedial Therapies back up and running from 3rd December.  This will be for studio visits at present.  Strict hygiene protocols will be followed and only a small amount of clients seen at this time to ensure the safety of all concerned.

But I look forward to bringing back massage treatments, Indi-ssentials natural skincare range, meditation sessions both individuals and couple sessions of sound meditation and guided meditation.  As winter is also here, it is a great time to have a hot stone massage treatment.

I look forward to welcoming people from the 3rd December onwards:-)

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

What's been happening in these last few months?....

 Whilst Jaipur Remedial Therapies has been very quiet with me being away, that doesn't mean things have stopped.  Since I was last here in Jaipur, I've continued some education and studying in the UK.  Understanding and delving deeper into human anatomy and scar treatment and am signed up to take a scar tissue release course soon.  This builds on top of my remedial massage training and allows me to work on scars either as part of the massage treatment or as a solo treatment.  There are amazing benefits to having scar tissue worked upon as scar tissue can cause pain, discomfort, pulling on surrounding tissue and inbalance in the muscles.

I'm looking forward to the class, along with some other online learning i am currently studying in relation to human anatomy.  My time in the UK was very busy, providing massage treatments to many of my regular clients there.  You can check out the UK element of the business through my UK massage business here  https://www.facebook.com/DriftAwaymassage.  My UK clients were very happy to have me back for so long!  We were even fortunate on some days to do some massage treatments in the sun😊

It was an opportunity to work on Indi-ssentials skincare and aromatherapy range.  Our pain balms were a best seller and sold out.  Followed by other firm favourites such as the Rose and vetiver face oil and mature skin face oil.  Candles also sold incredibly well and i had to make many more there due to popular demand.  As a reminder, these products are available here in Jaipur and will be available to purchase one again shortly.

Despite the busyness, it was wonderful to spend time with the family and take time out in nature to meditate and follow a more simpler approach and following a more natural way.  I hope to be able to bring back some sound meditation sessions either on a one to one basis, couples or small group basis.  Not forgetting the option for guided meditations too, which are one of my favourite things to do, both writing, creating and recording.  I'll let you know when I have another one to share.  These are some pictures from the stunning Yorkshire countryside.

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Putting quarantine to good use

Hi All.  A little post to let you know i have arrived safely back in the UK and am making the most of the quarantine time, both working on Indi-ssentials products ready for sale here in the UK and with the green out door spaces.

Massage is allowed to resume in the UK.  They've finally seen the importance of health and well-being and so post quarantine i will be working on helping those in the UK with their aches and pains.

I'll keep you all updated as to when i will be back to India.  I'm hoping early September, but that is a decision currently out of my hands.

Take care, stay safe, well and healthy both physically and emotionally.

Saturday, 4 July 2020

Exercises for lower back pain

One of the key areas i massage and a lot of people have issues with, is the lower back.  Massage can help relieve the tightness in the back and free up over used muscles, but it's through exercising that muscles become strengthened and more stable.  Massage can help to relieve the tightness that comes from strengthening the muscles and help to maintain good lower back strength.

I found this great site with helpful exercises for lower back pain.  All are exercises that we would recommend in Pilates for treating lower back pain.  Importantly they focus on the core muscle groups of the stomach/core muscles, importance of strengthening hamstrings and glutes as these play an important part in your lower back health.  We can strengthen the core but if our glutes are weak then we're going to struggle.  It's important to think of our body as a whole system and an issue in one area will have a knock on effect on the other.

I urge you to check out the website, it's beneficial to all regardless of whether you do or don't have a lower back issue.

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

J.R.T will be closed for several weeks

*Closed from 9th July till September*

J.R.T will be closed from 9th July as i take a work trip back to the UK. I'm hoping and planning to be back by the beginning of September.

Take care for now, stay well, safe, happy and healthy and if you want to book in for a massage you have a week to do so.😊

Thursday, 25 June 2020

One to One meditation sessions

Meditation is often one of those things we plan to get round to but we find it hard to prioritise or we struggle to do on our own and need a little guidance. Perhaps we're unsure 'how to' meditate or similar to an exercise class, we want someone to meditate along with.

In the one to one meditation session we look at several forms of meditation so that you can experience several different ways of meditating. We begin with a breath awareness meditation, followed by a zen stillness meditation which is a form of meditation often practiced by others and can take some time to master, then a visual guided meditation where you can switch off and listen to me guide you into a deeper state and where suggestions are used that can support and help you in your day to day life.

The one to one session will provide you with an introduction to the meditations and the skills to practice this on your own. A pre-recorded recording for the breath awareness will be sent out after the session so that you can continue to practice this at home on your own to develop your meditation practice further.

The sessions can be taken in person, at the studio or can be conducted via Skype so that you can have the session in your own home.

Session price 1200Rs or 4 sessions for 4000Rs paid in advance.

The meditation session itself is 1 hour total with some extra time for discussing any questions you may have or coming round from the meditation itself.

Silence the mind, centre yourself, experience the serenity within so you can hear the whispering of the soul.

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Happy Father's Day! - Introducing our beard oils:-)

Today is such a wonderfully special day for many reasons!  Today is Father's Day, Summer Solstice and Solar Eclipse!  It's such a magical day that it seems a fitting day to launch our beard oils!  A reminder that skin care and taking care of ones self isn't just for females but men need to be considered too.  

Looking after beards have become a work of art and in fact our beard oils are versatile, so as well as being great for the beard and the skin underneath, they can also be used on the rest of the face too!

You may think it counter productive to put oil on the face but it actually really helps to nourish the skin, leaving it soft, smooth and due to the combination of oils used, can help balance out the skin.  Some of the oils have anti-bacterial properties known to help fight spots and some are even good for scars marks.  I personally use a face oil everyday and my skin has never looked better.

The oils themselves are designed for different purposes but on the whole the combination of carrier and essential oils can promote beard growth, strengthen the hair from root to tip, help tackle 'beard-druff', nourish a dry beard and dry skin, balance out the skin underneath the beard leaving it soft, and reducing pimples due to anti-bacterial properties.

Each one is lightly scented so there's a hint of scent to ensure they are not too overpowering.

Our beard testers said that they liked the subtle scent and that their skin and beard felt less dry.

Get in touch to find out more.  We look forward to bringing you more products for men in the future and are working on numerous different ones.  You can follow the Indi-sscentials facebook page here.

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Movement is key to the body!

As many of you know, I trained in Pilates last year and i do look forward to at some point in the future running a beginners Pilates course when we are back up and running.  There will be an exercise based class and a class aimed at lower back and shoulder rehabilitation classes,  in conjunction with help and support from physios in the UK.

One group of my favourite exercises that I've found really useful and clients have fed back that they helped, are the exercises in the link below.  I've personally used these myself and found them great for stabilising the scapula and making sure muscles like the rhomboids worked instead of the chest doing too much of the work.

Movement is key and that can come in many forms and I know many of us have been exercising away during lockdown!  I have personally been doing a lot of the Joe Wicks HIIT Youtube videos.  He does a range for children....although i would say they are ideal for anyone wanting to get into HIIT training as their a great level of challenging - not too difficult or easy and they can really help to strengthen muscles to support the back.

Saturday, 6 June 2020

Don't forget, we offer meditation too!

As many of you know, I am now back massaging....and what I'm finding is how much tension many of you have in your scalp!

Our head's tend to carry a lot of the stress and tension and even if we don't think we're that stressed our head and muscles tell us otherwise.  During unprecedented times like this, we can spend a lot of time in our head, thinking and processing and there is a collective stress out there as we all come to terms with a silent virus.  It's a lot to have to cope with and that's where meditation helps.  A few people asked if we would be starting the sound meditation group, in a social distancing way soon and I'm looking to do that if there is enough interest there.  

There would be up to a maximum of four people although it's likely I'd keep that at 3 people.  Sessions would be the same price as when we did the larger group, so at 500Rs each.  

You're welcome to put your own small group together, so perhaps make it a family or friends group.  I'd offer a special rate compared to what's on my website, so for two people it would be 700Rs each and for 3 or 4 of you 500Rs each.   I also offer one to one sound meditation (1400Rs) so you can have your own private session where you can completely switch off and find yourself in a deeply relaxed state.

There's also the option of guided meditation where this can be offered in a group of two people or on a one to one basis.  This needs to be  smaller number due to the fact that you have to hear my voice!  The special rate for that would be 700Rs each or one to one at 1200Rs.

The guided meditation session can also be done online via zoom if you like the idea of a privately constructed guided meditation session without physically being present. We begin with a breathe awareness meditation together, body scan to relax and release tightness held in the muscles and a guided visualisation.

So, there's many ways to switch off the mind, create clarity and space to think or process or  to simply be.

Contact Dannie: r.massagejaipur@gmail.com or whatsapp on 8239322686
You can check out the website for more info https://massagejaipur.com/#group-sound-meditation

Don't forget we also offer a range of stress busting products, from fragrance oils for the burners to scented candles, stress relieving and uplifting massage body oils.  

Keep up to date with Jaipur Remedial Therapies

You can keep up to date with all the latest goings on here but we also have other social media sites and the website that you may want to follow for further information on treatments and for day to day information.

Our Facebook page!  Great for articles on the body, ways of looking after body and mind better and day to day information.

We're on Instagram too!  That's where you'll find all our random pics and latest pics of new products, helpful photos etc

Not sure how many of you know this.....but J.R.T does have a website too!  
Here you'll find out all about our treatments, what's available and more information about each treatment and of course prices.  Why not check it out and see if there's anything new you didn't know!

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Natural scented candles that you simply can't say no to!

Here at Jaipur Remedial Therapies, we have a wonderful range of candles on offer.  Scents that provide numerous benefits and are very popular, hence wanting to bring them to your attention so you don't miss out on our beautiful candles.

Sleep easy! - Kashmiri Lavender

A classic lavender scent to help you unwind and soothe your stresses.

Relax & release – Kashmiri Lavender & Organic Star Anise

Relaxing Lavender paired with spicy yet soothing & restoring star anise.

Winter warmer! – Orange, Ginger, Cinnamon, & Sar Anise

Look no further for the scents of autumn and fall!

Scents of Nature - Himalayan Cedarwood, Frankincense & Vanilla

Bring the outdoors in with this candle.

Breath of fresh air - Eucalyptus, Rosemary & Peppermint

Clear the senses, refresh the room and feel energised.

We offer a special price purely for clients (ask for price)  and even for non clients these are priced at only 500Rs  burn for 30+ hours, so are great value and they keep on burning whilst releasing their radiant scent.

Feel free to come and have a smell of them.  Our most popular ones are the lavender based candles or the winter warmer.....but i love all of them especially Scents of Nature.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Do you know?!

Many of you will now know that Jaipur Remedial Therapies is now back open taking a small number of massage bookings. Incase you have been wondering how that works, please check out this link here to our previous blog post of all the protocols that are in place.  New protocols in place .   Whilst it may be a different setting, it's certainly possible.

Many of you enjoyed the first guided meditation and so I'm sending out another one I have created.  This one is specific to the current crisis and works to relieve your worries, concerns and fears and that overwhelming feeling.  It's a real worry and stress buster and brings about a feeling of inner calm.

Set your worries free Beach Guided Meditation

Set your worries free Beach Guided Meditation

Why not find 30 minutes and give it a go.

Before the virus turned our worlds upside down, many of you were enjoying our sound meditation classes.  At present I'm looking to see if there is a way to bring these online and for the sound quality to come across effectively.  Just before the centre closed we were about to begin offering Guided Meditation Classes once a month.  As it looks like it maybe sometime before this can happen in person, I'm planning to bring this to you online instead.  (There's a class on 6th and 7th June - more details to follow).

It will be a 1 hour meditation session, involving  few different forms of meditation which I'll guide you through, so you can develop your awareness and skills in these areas and the bulk of the session will be taken up with a 40 minute guided meditation session so you can switch off, let go and relax.  I will also provide a link to a pre-recorded copy of that guided meditation so you can listen to it regularly before the next month's session.  A real added value session and at a nominal price of 400rs.


I know that some clients are unable to attend massage sessions at present for a variety of reasons.....but in case any of you are still experiencing some pain and want a little relief, a reminder that I sell muscle and joint pain balm.  This is a recipe I have worked on and perfected over a year and receives great feedback from clients both here and in the UK.  These are sold at a special price for clients only at 400 Rs for a 150ml jar.  These will last for months!  They are a Vaseline like consistency and absorb quickly into the skin and ease aches and pains thanks to the blend of essential oils and turmeric in there.   (These do not stain)

I personally used this balm whilst walking 500kms in three weeks in Spain and never had any pain and I contribute this to the balm.

We also sell a range of natural soy candles scented with essential oils and other products including our best selling face oil.  Candles burn for over 30+ hours and are sold at a special client price of 320 Rs.

You can collect from the studio or delivery (at a cost) can be arranged by one of the delivery guys currently operating.

It's been lovely seeing many of you coming through our studio doors again.  For those currently out of the country, I hope you're all doing well wherever you are and simply riding the waves.  We'll all have some crazy stories to share when we meet again.

Jaipur Remedial Therapies